Nama      : Putri Candra Indriyani
kelas       : 1EA19
NPM       : 15216842

Passive voice (passive) is a sentence in which the subject is subjected to a job or acts or actions, meaning that the subject does not perform an action / action and only receive an action / action. It's clear that this is the opposite of the active voice, the subject of active voice who committed the act and does not receive action / action. To further clarify, consider the following example:

Between active and passive is an inverse is not it? In the active voice, Ferries was the subject, in which he is doing an action / action that is hitting Blake. While in the passive voice, Budi as a subject, for which he received the action / action of the ferry is in o'clock. As for the subject, the subject itself can be a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase.
But for the record that not all active sentence (active voice) can be changed to be passive (passive voice). Sentences can be concatenated into a passive sentence is a sentence that has active objects, namely the verbal sentence which has a transitive

Formula Passive Voice
Basically, the formula of passive voice is only one, namely S + Verb + Auxiliary Past participle. S means that the subject, auxiliary verb meaning an auxiliary verb and the past participle means verb3 (third form of a verb). Well, the problem now is the auxiliary verb which is like what is in use, because if we berkomunikasikan can use different tenses, so that the auxiliary verb that is used can of course be different, that's the formula passive voice above must be very specific in accordance with tenses will be used.

Before that, you have to understand it first with formulas tenses, and then study the formula according to the passive voice tenses, to avoid confusion later. For those who do not understand tenses formula, the following formula.

Active voice is a verb form (verb forms) where the subject sentences action expressed by the verb.
Thus in the active voice, the subject acts as the DOER of the action (perpetrators). The opposite of the active voice is the passive voice. Subject to the passive voice is the receiver of the action (action receiver).
Formula Active Voice
Based on the above understanding, we can conclude the formula of active voice in a sentence as follows.
A direct object (can be a noun, pronoun, or a noun substitute) is added only if the action is a transitive verb.
Examples of Active Voice
Here are some examples of active voice in the sentence.
• DOER of action = bold
• action = italic
• receiver of action = underline

Contoh Kalimat Active Voice
That student cleaned the whiteboard.
The study tour participants will also visit Tanah Lot.
Laura hasn’t paid her electricity and water bills yet.
They live in poverty for many years.
People in the country consume large amounts of potatoes and onions.


Change the following active sentences into passive voice.
11. The tiger was chasing the deer.
22. She has written a novel.
33. She has learned her lessons.
44. Have you finished the report?
55. The police have caught the thief.
1.    The deer was being chased by the tiger.
2.    A novel has been written by her.
3.     Her lessons have been learned by her.
4.    Has the report been finished by you?
5.    The thief has been caught by the police.

Rewrite the following sentences so that the verbs will be in the active voice.
1.     The building was damaged by the fire.
2.      By whom were you taught French?
3.     You will be given a ticket by the manager.
4.      The streets were thronged with spectators.
5.      We will be blamed by everyone.
11.    The fire damaged the building.
22.    Who taught you French?
33.   The manager will give you a ticket.
44.   Spectators thronged the streets.
55.    Everyone will blame us


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